Vatican Observatory
The Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world. It has its headquarters at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, outside Rome. Its dependent research center, the Vatican Observatory Research Group, is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
The Vatican Observatory Research Group operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT). This is located at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) in southeastern Arizona.
What you find in this website will help you discover the reason for the existence of the Vatican Observatory, its history, and its many activities. It will also invite you to participate, through the Vatican Observatory Foundation, in our work for science and for the Catholic Church.
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Specola Vaticana
La Specola Vaticana è una delle più antiche istituzioni di ricerca astronomiche del mondo e ha il suo quartier generale presso la residenza estiva del Papa a Castel Gandolfo, in provincia di Roma. Il centro di ricerca, The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG), si trova invece negli Stati Uniti, a Tucson, presso lo Steward Observatory dell'Università dell'Arizona.
Ciò che troverete in questo sito vi aiuterà a conoscere il perché dell'esistenza della Specola Vaticana, la sua storia, le attività che essa svolge.
Vi auguriamo una buona navigazione e vi incoraggiamo a contattarci per domande e chiarimenti che la visita del nostro sito vi ha suscitato. Ovviamente anche i vostri suggerimenti per migliorare il nostro sito sono i benvenuti. is the exclusive and authorized Internet distributor for publications of the Vatican Publishing House and many other Catholic institutes. is located in the Eternal City Rome, next to the Vatican and uses UPS for fast worldwide delivery. has clients in more than 70 countries.
Publications/Libri/Bücher SPECOLA VATICANA
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 1;
Specola Vaticana 1996 /Paperback
Precio EUR 18,08
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Chaos and Complexity
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 2;
Russel Robert John- Murphy Nancey-Peacocke Arthur R.
Specola Vaticana 1995 /Paperback
Precio EUR 18,08
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Evolutionary and Molecular Biology
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 3;
Russel Robert J.-Stoeger William R.-Ayala Francisco and S.J.
Specola Vaticana 1998 /Paperback
Precio EUR 20,66
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Neuroscience and the person
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 4;
Russelle; Nancey Murphy; Theo C. Meyering
Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999 /Paperback
Precio EUR 25,83
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Quantum Mechanics
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 5;
Robert John Russel; Philip Clayton; Kirk Wegter-McNelly; John Polkinghorne
Libreria Editrice Vaticana 30 Gennaio 2002 /Paperback
Precio EUR 24,40
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